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Стъпки за консервиране на домати
Домашно консервиране на домати в домашни условия. Популярността на доматените консерви е нестихваща не само сред бабите и дядовците, но и сред младите хора!...
Tomato sauce and other delicacies for which you need a squeezer
A good squeezer is worth its weight in gold, they say. Indeed, the divine tomato sauces speak for themselves. But there are other delicacies, for which a squ...
Strainer device: what is it good for and how to use it?
Fruits and vegetables are ripening in our garden. Of which there is a lot and can be squeez, we can even put some of them away for the winter months!
Making Hungarian fish soup like you've never seen it before!
Fish soup is well-known on all continents of the world, both in Europe and Hungary. The seasoning is different, but the kitchen tools used are the same. We s...
Свързани продукти

Ръчна машина за изстискване на домати TRE SPADE BT
60,00 EUR54,00 EUR(45,00 EUR + ДДС)
Ръчна изстисквачка за домати TRE SPADE XL-ECO
74,40 EUR(62,00 EUR + ДДС)
Ръчна изстисквачка за домати TRE SPADE XL
99,60 EUR(83,00 EUR + ДДС)
Цедка с 4 сита TRE SPADE EasySqueezy
348,00 EUR(290,00 EUR + ДДС)
2.419,80 EUR(2.016,50 EUR + ДДС)