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Mini lemon meringue cake with recipe video

2023. 07. 21.

Mini lemon meringue cake with recipe video

Here's a refreshing mini cookie that's light and super cute! The classic lemon meringue pie is a perfect choice for any season. Our recipe is also from the ANKARSRUM recipe book, and we help you prepare it with a recipe video!

Ingredients for 6 cakes:


200 grams of butter at room temperature

90 grams of sugar

240 grams of flour

10 grams of vanilla sugar

5 grams of baking powder


4 egg whites

240 grams of granulated sugar

300 g of lemon curd, the exact recipe of which can be found on the Internet under the name Lemon curd

Meringue step by step:

• Preheat the oven to 175 °C and grease 6 mini pie tins with a diameter of 9 cm with butter, then flour them. 

• Assemble ANKA with the 7-liter stainless steel mixing bowl, the scraper for the metal mixing bowl, which prevents the dough from sticking to the walls of the bowl, and the kneading roller.

• Add the dough ingredients and start the machine at low / medium speed. When the dough has come together, use your hands to form 6 balls of the same size and press them into the pie tins.

• Bake them in the oven until golden brown, approx. for 10-12 minutes.

• Remove from the oven and spread a layer of lemon cream in the middle of the pies while the pies are still warm. After that, let them cool down a little, then take them out of the molds.

• Beat the egg whites and powdered sugar with a hand beater until foamy in a bowl over hot steam, up to a temperature of 65 °C, use a thermometer  for this. This will be the meringue cream.

• Assemble your Ankarsrum stand mixer with the 3.5 liter plastic mixing bowl and the double whisk attachment.

• Take the egg white powdered sugar off the heat and mix with an Ankarsrum whisk until the meringue cream cools, it should be shiny and hard. Spread the lemon cream top of the pies with the mousse and carefully caramelize the meringue using a kitchen torch.


Serve with a tasty dessert wine or fresh lemonade!